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Head & Neck Cancer Surgery

We treat Cancers that are usually performed to remove tumor that either be benign or malignant tumors.

Oral Cancers

Oral Cancers arise due to various complications and mutations of the genes. We used advanced technologies and modernized tools to treat different types of oral cancer. These include the following surgeries:

    1. Tongue Cancer Surgery
    2. Mandible Commando Surgery
    3. Maxillary Maxillectomy
    4. Buccal Mucosa Cancer Surgery

Oropharyngeal Cancers

Oropharyngeal Cancer is a disease in which malignant cancer cells form in the tissues of the oropharynx.  Smoking or infection with the human papillomavirus can hike the risk of Oropharyngeal Cancers.

1. Transoral Endoscopic Surgery

This helps in the removal of the lumps of cancerous cells easily with no incisions, Less Hospital Stay, and Fast Recovery so that you can get back to normalcy soon.

i. Tonsillar Cancer Surgery– cancer in the tonsil glands is removed surgically

ii. Base of Tongue Cancer Surgery– cancer found in the base of the tongue. Thus, the cancerous tissues are removed surgically.

iii. Vallecula Cancer Surgery– Oropharyngeal Squamous cell carcinoma that arises in the vallecula, the fold located between the base of the tongue and epiglottis.

2. Hypopharyngeal and Laryngeal Cancers

Cancers in the hypopharynx, laryngopharynx, and larynx.

i. Transoral Endoscopic or Open Radical Surgery

This ensures no incisions on your body and insertion of an endoscope through your mouth to the affected area. Open Radical Surgery involves the  complete removal of the affected organ.

a. Laryngectomy

Laryngectomy is a major surgery that is performed to remove your larynx, the voice box. It is located at the upper end of the trachea.

      1. Partial Laryngectomy- a part of the larynx or only the affected region is removed.
      2. Near-Total Laryngectomy- almost the entire or three-fourth of the larynx is operated successfully and removed.
      3. Total Laryngectomy- complete larynx is removal so that the entire affected organ would have the least side effects.

Neck Cancers

They are mostly Squamous cell carcinomas. Thus, this type of cancer begins in the flat squamous cells that make the thin layer of tissue on the surface of the structures in the neck.

1. Neck Dissection Surgery

The neck Dissection Surgery is the major surgery done to remove lymph nodes that can cancerous cells. Before surgery, we ensure to give you generanesthesia. Thus, it is a complicated surgery. That includes the following types of

a. Radical Neck Dissection

b. Modified Radical Neck Dissection

c. Selective Neck Dissection


Frequently Asked Questions About Head & Neck Cancer Surgery

Q: What happens after head and neck cancer surgery?
A: Post-surgery, reconstruction may be required for functionality and aesthetics. Rehabilitation services like speech therapy are provided to help you recover fully.

Q: Do you treat advanced cancers?
A: Yes, we specialize in advanced cancer surgeries, including extensive resections and reconstructions using advanced techniques like free flaps.


    [select SelectExpert "Select Expert/Doctor" "Dr. Bhushan Kathuria" default:"Dr. Bhushan Kathuria"]

      [select SelectExpert "Select Expert/Doctor" "Dr. Bhushan Kathuria" default:"Dr. Bhushan Kathuria"]