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The nose is one of the most essential sensory organs, playing a critical role in breathing, humidifying air, filtering dust and particles, and providing a sense of smell. Proper nasal function is vital for overall health, as it prevents infections, allergies, and breathing difficulties.

If you’re experiencing issues like nasal obstruction, deformities, or chronic infections, our advanced surgical and medical procedures can help restore normal function and aesthetics.

1. Septoplasty

What is Septoplasty? Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated nasal septum — the bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity. A deviation can cause breathing difficulties, recurrent sinus infections, and discomfort.

Why is it performed? Improves airflow for easier breathing, Reduces the risk of sinus infections caused by blocked nasal passages, Corrects structural deformities due to injury or birth defects.

2. Sinus Surgery

Most sinus infections are usually treated through prolonged medications but rarely surgery is performed to help the patients. Surgery is appreciable when infections are recurring and persistent.

Patients suffering from chronic sinusitis, depression of eye sockets, nasal polyps, and some cancers. There are nearly 5 types of sinus surgery;

    1.     Balloon sinuplasty
    2.     Caldwell-Luc surgery
    3.     Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
    4.     Sinus lift
    5.     Sinusotomy

The above-mentioned procedures depend on the location of the sinus and the intensity of the infection. The right procedure according to the patient’s condition is chosen and treated conveniently.

All these surgery options are performed by well-experienced and skilled professionals.

3. Turbinate Surgery

Allergies and nasal infections can cause the swelling of turbinates. Turbinates are bony structures inside the inferior part of the nose covered by a soft tissue called the mucosa. The primary function is to regulate airflow and warm and humidify the air you inhale.

Non-surgical methods include; nasal or oral antihistamines, nasal or oral steroid spray, nasal saline spray, oral decongestants, etc. In the surgical method, turbinates are well examined and reduced in size such that the airflow is improved.

It also includes reducing the content of mucosa in the affected turbinates. This is performed through both the sides of the nostrils.

4. Nasal Polyps

Nasal Polyps are soft, non-cancerous, painless outgrowth or protrusions which commonly grow on the epithelial lining of the nasal passage or sinus. They generally hang down like grapes or teardrops.

They appear as a result of chronic inflammation and are associated with drug insensitivity, asthma, recurring infections, cystic fibrosis, allergies, or immune diseases. In some cases, Polyps may be hereditary.

Medications help in reducing the size of Polyps and relieve nasal congestion, prescribed medicines include fluticasone, budesonide, mometasone, and prednisone. A surgical procedure is termed polypectomy.

This involves using a small suction device of a microdebrider that cuts and takes off soft tissue. For Polyps that are larger doctors use advanced techniques to perform a surgery that is endoscopic sinus surgery.


Frequently Asked Questions About Ear Surgery Nasal Surgery

Q: What is the recovery time for rhinoplasty or sinus surgery?
A: Most patients recover within 1-2 weeks, though complete healing may take longer depending on the procedure.

Q: I have persistent nasal obstruction. Can surgery fix it?
A: Conditions like deviated septum, nasal polyps, or enlarged turbinates can be treated surgically with procedures like septoplasty or endoscopic sinus surgery.



The ear is an organ that is primarily meant for the balance of your body and secondarily for hearing. The ear is the most sensitive organ of our body. The ear can be divided into three parts: external pinna, middle ear, and inner ear. Three ossicles present in our ear help in the process of hearing. It’s very essential to clean the wax and maintain hygiene for the proper functioning of the ear. Let us know the treatments we use to treat your ailments.

1. Grommets

Grommet is usually inserted to treat “GLUE EAR” or for preventing recurring otitis media. It is a small ventilation tube that is inserted into the eardrum to allow airflow into the middle ear and prevent the blockage of the ear that is caused by a build-up of fluid. They are temporary and are extruded by ear after 6 to 12 months.

They are usually interested in seducing you with general anesthesia, a small opening is made in the eardrum which allows a grommet to be inserted.

2. Perforated Ear Drum

A tear or rupture of the eardrum, more specifically tympanic membrane is the thin tissue that separates the ear canal from the middle ear. The hole usually heals within a week but it’s safe to consult us.

We suggest some medications that would help in healing soon if the tear is huge, we suggest repairing your eardrum through surgery.

3. Exostoses

Exostosis is also known as the surfer’s ear. It is an abnormal outgrowth of the bony ear canal.

The symptoms include watery ears and difficulty in getting rid of them, inflammation, increased vascularity, etc.

Sometimes it can be painless or cause severe pain. Prolonged Exostoses can cause hearing loss. Medical supplements are prescribed in most cases but in severe cases, surgical methods are implemented.

4. Otoplasty

This is a type of cosmetic surgery involving the ears. During otoplasty, we adjust the shape, size, or alignment of your ears. You can opt for this procedure to correct structurally abnormal ears. This is also the best option if your ears protrude too far from your head.

We virtually sketch the shape of the ears that suits you well and we bring out accurate results. The results are permanent and long-lasting.

5. Ear Infections

An ear infection is acute and is an infection of the middle ear, the air-filled cavity behind the eardrum. It is caused mainly due to improper hygiene practices of your ear that is resulting in bacterial growth. We generally prescribe medicines that are generally steroids and they instantly act on the affected area to reduce earache.


Frequently Asked Questions About Ear Surgery

Q: I have hearing loss. Can surgery help me?
A: Depending on the cause of your hearing loss, surgeries like cochlear implantation, tympanoplasty, or stapedectomy may restore or improve hearing.

Q: Is ear surgery painful?
A: Most ear surgeries are performed under anesthesia, and pain is minimal post-surgery, managed effectively with medications.



The throat or pharynx is a muscular tube that runs from the back of your nose down into your neck. The pharynx is divided into three parts: nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx.

We help you in treating all your ailments regarding the throat and offer the utmost care. The following are the treatments

1. Voice Box Surgery

VoiceBox surgery is the removal of part or all of the voice box. This process is also known as laryngectomy. Cancers of the larynx can also be treated by this method. The surgeon cuts your Adam’s apple and the outside of the neck. This is highly complicated surgery; we assure you to handle it with care. Symptoms include disturbance in the pathway of air passage and swallowing disorders.

2. Snoring Surgery

Somnoplasty is a surgical method for the treatment of snoring. Somnoplasty involves heat energy to modify the tissues of the uvula or it is completely removed. This makes you sleep better and sound-free. We majorly take care of the post-surgery effects and you need not worry or think much before opting for Somnoplasty.

3. Tonsillectomy

It is the procedure to remove tonsil glands, two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat. It is a common procedure to treat infection and inflammation of tonsillitis.

It is major surgery with serious complications and potential risks. We give you excellent post-surgery care since the side effects are very serious. We make you feel very comfortable with our well-experienced nurses.

4. Thyroidectomy & Salivary Glands Surgery

Thyroid glands are located at the base of your neck and butterfly-shaped. It produces chemical messengers called the thyroid gland, which is involved in metabolism, heart rate, and burning calories.

Thyroidectomy is performed when the gland develops tumors or thyroid glands develop a condition called goiter (swelling of the thyroid gland due to deficiency of iodine).

Salivary Glands Surgery or Parotidectomy is the removal of a portion or all of the parotid gland. Usually, this surgery is performed for the treatment of Salivary stones and recurring infections of the parotid or submandibular glands is called sialendoscopy.


Frequently Asked Questions About Throat Surgery

Q: Will I lose my voice after a laryngectomy?
A: After a laryngectomy, voice restoration options such as a voice prosthesis or esophageal speech can help you regain communication.

Q: How is thyroid surgery performed, and is it safe?
A: Thyroidectomy is a common and safe procedure performed under general anesthesia. We ensure careful preservation of nerves and glands to avoid complications.



Nowadays we all prefer to have a sound-free snap and expect the same from others. We help you sleep better and tight. We have advanced techniques and procedures that make sleep more comfortable by undergoing sialendoscopy.


Kids are more vulnerable to diseases that are caused due to abnormalities in the ear, nose, and throat. The below-mentioned procedures will be performed for kids suffering from ailments.

  •       Tonsillectomy
  •       Adenoidectomy
  •       Grommets
  •       Inferior turbinates
  •       Blocked nose/snoring

Hope we sound great. We have all the medical devices and equipment. Don’t bother and worry much since we are here to help you. We’re available anytime for your service.

    [select SelectExpert "Select Expert/Doctor" "Dr. Bhushan Kathuria" default:"Dr. Bhushan Kathuria"]

      [select SelectExpert "Select Expert/Doctor" "Dr. Bhushan Kathuria" default:"Dr. Bhushan Kathuria"]