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A Spectrum Of Surgical Case Studies

Total Glossectomy with Supraglottic Laryngectomy
CASE STUDYTotal Glossectomy with Supraglottic Laryngectomy and PMMC Flap Reconstruction for Advanced Base of Tongue Cancer Patient Overview: 54-year-old male with ...

Total Laryngectomy with Extensive Radical Neck Dissection
CASE STUDYTotal Laryngectomy with Extensive Radical Neck Dissection and Contralateral PMMC Flap Reconstruction Patient Overview: 63-year-old male with carcinoma of the ...

Rare Benign Adnexal Tumor(Pilomatricoma)
CASE STUDYRare Benign Adnexal Tumor (Pilomatricoma) Treated with Wide Local Excision and DP Flap Reconstruction Patient Overview: 14-year-old boy with a ...

Nasolabial Basal Cell Carcinoma Reconstruction
CASE STUDYNasolabial Basal Cell Carcinoma Reconstruction with Rhomboid Flap Patient Overview: 72-year-old male with a basal cell carcinoma in the nasolabial ...

Upper Lip Verrucous Lesion Reconstruction with Mesolabial Flap
CASE STUDYUpper Lip Verrucous Lesion Reconstruction with Mesolabial Flap Patient Overview: 65-year-old female with a verrucous basal cell carcinoma on the ...

Extended Radical Neck Dissection with PMMC Flap
CASE STUDYExtended Radical Neck Dissection with PMMC Flap for a Massive Nodal Mass Patient Overview: 55-year-old male with a massive cervical ...

Salvage Laryngectomy with PMMC Flap Reconstruction
CASE STUDYSalvage Laryngectomy with PMMC Flap Reconstruction for Post-Treatment Complications Patient Overview: 42-year-old male with carcinoma of the larynx post-chemoradiotherapy, presenting ...

Retrograde Laryngectomy for Advanced Supraglottic Carcinoma
CASE STUDYRetrograde Laryngectomy for Advanced Supraglottic Carcinoma Patient Overview: 65-year-old male with advanced supraglottic carcinoma extending into the oropharynx, causing severe ...

Complex Reconstruction for Residual Post-Cricoid Carcinoma
CASE STUDYComplex Reconstruction for Residual Post-Cricoid CarcinomaPatient Overview: 58-year-old female with residual carcinoma post-cricoid region following chemoradiotherapy, presenting with severe ...

Total Thyroidectomy for a Massive Thyroid Mass
CASE STUDYTotal Thyroidectomy for a Massive Thyroid Mass in an Elderly Patient Patient Overview: 72-year-old male presenting with a massive thyroid ...

Advanced Lower Alveolar and Lip Cancer Surgery
CASE STUDYAdvanced Lower Alveolar and Lip Cancer Surgery with PMMC Flap Reconstruction Patient Overview: 60-year-old male with advanced squamous cell carcinoma ...

Advanced Skull Base Carcinoma Surgery
CASE STUDYAdvanced Buccal Mucosa Cancer Surgery with Forehead Flap Reconstruction Diagnosis: Locally advanced skull base carcinoma with extensive involvement of critical ...

Advanced Buccal Mucosa Cancer Surgery
CASE STUDY Advanced Buccal Mucosa Cancer Surgery with Forehead Flap Reconstruction Patient Overview: 52-year-old male with stage IV buccal mucosa ...

Sanjeev -Case Study
60 years old male left for palliative care MR. Sanjeev 60 years old male diagnosed with CA Tonsil with extensive ...

Santosh -Case Study
52 years old female suffering from cancer Ms. Santosh 52 years old female presented with pain and ulcer in the ...